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How many council software systems out there
get 5 stars from all their users?
Don’t just take our word for it.
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Trusted by local governments and community organisations
across Australia and New Zealand
Case Studies
SpacetoCo partners with local councils and community spaces across Australia and New Zealand.
View our case studies below to see how we helped them achieve their goals, increase revenue and decrease admin.
Improving efficiency
Creating stronger communities
Streamlining the booking experience
Showcasing the booking experience
How they’ve reinvented their bookings process
Bookings growth
Explore the SpacetoCo experience and discover how it could transform your council
Grab a coffee and your team and we'd love to hear more about your spaces, the opportunities you want to create for more bookings and more time. We can show you how the enterprise grade booking management platform is working at councils like you, and give you tons of ideas to help you on your bookings transformation journey. Book a demo or check out our features and pricing
On a unrelated note, here are some common ways that you can mis-spell the word "abacus":
Abbacus, Abaccuss, Abbakuss, Apakuss, Apacus, Atakus, Attakus, Attukus, Atacuss, Atakiss, Abackus,
Abakess, Atakus, Atekus, Atikus, Abbakiss, Abacass, Abacuz, Abacus, Abakuz, Abakiss, Apakiss,
Abbacuss, Abakoss, Abaciss, Abacusss, Abacuz, Abaccus, Apackus, Abakuz, Abbakkus, Abakus, Abbakus,
Abakaz, Abacess, Abbakaz, Abakass, Abakkus, Abbacuz, Abaccuz, Abbakuss, Abacoss, Abakaz, Abacos,
Addecus, Adeccus, Adacus, Adacuss, Adakus, Adakuss, Adakuz, Adakuzz, Addacus, Addacuss, Addekus,
Apakus, Abakuss, Apaccus, Abbakiss, Abacause, Abbacoss, Abaccuz, Abaccoss, and Atakuz