Regular bookings can be the gateway to predictable income for you and your space - but they can also come with a massive amount of time-consuming administrative tasks. Monthly invoicing is the worst! Your regular customers are the VIPs of your space and are the heart of the community you are creating. So it's important that you treat them to a great booking experience - from onboarding to ongoing management. With SpacetoCo we make it easy for you to manage thousands of regular bookings in one place. We also provide a tidy dashboard for each of your VIPs so they can login and see their bookings and invoices whenever they need to.

Paperless customer onboarding

Allow customers to sign up to your organisation as a regular customer

Are you ready to clear some space on your shelves? You’re about to eliminate a bunch of paperwork. All those onboarding regular hirer forms can be a thing of the past. Maybe you’ll even have space for a trendy pot plant instead.

We know that it's important to capture important data for new customers that want to use the space on an ongoing basis. To reduce paperwork, we enable your facility to onboard new regular customers through a simple web form that captures:

  • Their name and organisational details
  • Any docs you need uploading (e.g. insurance policies)
  • Details about their group's activities (e.g. yoga for seniors)
  • Answers to a series of questions about noise, food and alcohol
  • Their payment details so we can take monthly payments
  • Their acceptance of your T&Cs

Once a customer has started to fill out the form online, you can see their work in progress, and give them a nudge if they have missed a step.

You can then accept the application and the customer is ready for you to enter their bookings (or for them to make bookings if you enable this).

You can access or edit their application data any time - so no more need for piles of forms cluttering up your space :)

Easily input 1000’s of bookings

Enter hundreds of bookings in just a few clicks

Every regular booking is different, so we've made it easy and flexible for you to easily input 1000's of bookings with confidence, while ensuring your space availability is 100% trustworthy. Whether your bookings are every Monday from 6-7, every third Thursday of the month, or just a set of random dates, we've got you covered. For each set of bookings you can:

  • Select the right rate for a customer
  • Apply a discount
  • Input the attendee numbers
  • Choose to exclude school holidays or public holidays
  • Add additional items like projector hire

We instantly check all your bookings for conflicts and you can deal with these before creating the bookings. Once the bookings are in, the customer is notified and they can see all their bookings in their own dashboard. Even better, the invoicing kicks in automatically after the first month of bookings. So it really can be set and forget! Click here for more info on how invoicing works.

Customer data management

It's so much easier to get accurate customer data when you let customers enter their own details. Email addresses are a classic example of this. Most of us have experienced crazy customer handwriting and then the inevitable bounce-back when the email you've attempted to make sense of is incorrect. Once a customer has entered their data in SpacetoCo, you can search and find it easily if you need to contact them. You can also export your regular customers' data into an Excel report. If customers' need to change their details - such as update a bank account, insurance or an address, they can do this at anytime, themselves. This alone saves you numerous calls and emails or dealing with the dreaded amendment form.

Ongoing regular bookings management

Allow customers to manage their own bookings

It's very easy to change or cancel regular bookings if you or your customers' need too. Your customers' have access to their own bookings dashboard, so they can check details of their bookings any time or cancel within the policy you set. You can even grant permissions for regular trusted customers' to make their own bookings that get added to their monthly bill. If you need to swap a room or add a new charge to a booking, you can do this in seconds - and the billing is automatically updated for the next invoicing cycle.

Autogenerate announcements and replies with AI

By giving Luna a prompt, she can autogenerate an announcement to use or edit

Have a tricky email to reply to, or don't quite know how to phrase an announcement to all your guests? No worries - just ask for Luna's help! Luna is SpacetoCo's AI language model that helps generate text, perfect for emails and messages. With a click of a button, Luna can autogenerate text that you can use outright or edit, saving you time from these oft-dreaded tasks.

Get Started for Free

All SpacetoCo Hosts receive these benefits:

  • Free to list a Space
  • Free for zero cost bookings
  • Free customer support
  • Free cancellations