Dalyellup Sports Pavilion, Wake Drive - Oval 3
About this space
Dalyellup Sports Pavilion, Oval 3. Located near the Baptist College. Great in summer for cricket and soccer during the winter months.
Booking schedule
Suitable for
87 Wake Drive, Dalyellup WA 6230, Australia
Opening times
7:00am - Midnight
7:00am - Midnight
7:00am - Midnight
7:00am - Midnight
7:00am - Midnight
7:00am - Midnight
7:00am - Midnight
· If you wish to sell, supply or BYO alcohol please ensure you follow these links to determine if you need an Occasional Licence as per compliance with the Liquor Control Act 1988
· Exemptions to the Liquor Control Act 1988 policy (dlgsc.wa.gov.au) in particular the Small Functions Exemption
· Occasional liquor licence | DLGSC *Note that an occasional licence must be applied for 14 days in advance
· Ensure your Shire of Capel Application to Consume Alcohol Approval is with you on the day if applicable
· Please note eskies are not allowed in any venue
· No helium balloons/confetti/glitter/smoke machines or privately owned bouncy castles
· Leave the space clean and tidy
· Return any furniture after use
· Sweep and mop up any spills
· Ensure you have your Covid Safety Plan Certificate with you on the day, if applicable
· Please read our Terms and Conditions below